Create Your Analytics Account

In this section you will learn how to:

• Log in to your free Analytics account

• Configure your profile settings

• Add more users to your account

• Add the tracking code to your website

Create a Google Analytics Account

• To begin creating your Analytics account, first log in to your AdWords account
( and click on the Analytics tab

• Then click on the Continue button to enter your website information

Create a Google Analytics Account

• Choose your site from the drop down sajian in the middle of the page

• Choose the site you wish to track

• Click the box underneath to enable the connection between your AdWords
  campaign and Analytics

• Click Link Account to begin setting up your profile for reporting

Create a Google Analytics Account

This is how your account will look after creating your account in AdWords.

Once you’ve added the Analytics code to your website, the pink box at the top with the tracking warning will disappear.

Configure Your Profile 

It's important to configure your profile in order to get the most out of your
reports, so please don’t skip this step in the process.

When you get to this page, click on the Edit button next to the site you want to

Congigure Your Profile

Under the Profile Settings header, click Edit again and fill in your information.

Configure Your Profile

• Enter your Profile Name

• Enter your Website URL

• In the Default page field, enter your homepage URL.

    • Setting this to your homepage, or index, of your site allows Google
      Analytics to reconcile log entries for and, for example. These are in fact the same page,
      but are reported as two distinct pages until the Default page setting has
      been configured.

If you have a shopping cart on your site, or offer shopping to your visitors, you’ll
want to enable e-commerce for Analytics. To enable e-commerce reporting and
the E-Commerce Analysis report set, select Yes. There will be more details
about e-commerce later on in the guide.

At this point, click Save Changes to continue configuring your profile.

Grant Access to Other Users

For those of you who work with other people to manage your website, you may
want to grant them access to your Analytics account so they can view reports
and get detailed information about your site’s performance. Google Analytics
provides the ability to add any number of users to your account, and to grant
varying levels of access to your reports. Access to particular reports and
domains is configured through a combination of profile access and report
dashboards and categories.

To grant access to another user:
• Make sure that they already have a free Google Account

• Then go to the Analytics tab within your AdWords account and click on the
Access Manager

• From the Access Manager, click Add User

Grant Access to Other Users

On the next screen you can enter the user’s email address, last name, and first

• From the drop down menu, select the Access type for the new user

• Choose an Access type from the drop down menu

• You have the choice of allowing them to View reports only, or access as
an Account Administrator, where they’ll be able to edit account settings
as well as view reports. If you select View reports only, select the
profiles (or websites) to which this user should have access (note that
Account Admins have access to all profiles). If you’ve only created one
profile (or site) , you will still want to select the profile.

• Click Add to move these profiles into the Selected Website Profiles list

• Click Finish to create the new user

Add Tracking Code to Your Website

Adding the Analytics tracking code to your website is the key to getting your
reports rolling. This is how Analytics and your website talk to one another and
interpret information about visits to your site.
To get the tracking code from Analytics:

• Click the Check Status link to the right of the profile to get the tracking code

• Any site that hasn’t been configured yet will say Tracking Unknown until
you add the code to your website

Add Tracking Code to Your Website

A portion of code will appear that you’ll need to add to your website. This is the portion of the
process that you may want to work with your webmaster to implement. These instructions are
available in the Analytics help center for future reference.
To add the code to your website:

• Copy and paste the code segment into the bottom of your HTML content, immediately
before the </body> tag of each page you are planning to track

• If you use a common include or template, you can enter it there

• Your generated code will have your own Analytics ID (see the highlighted text above)
The tracking code provided to you is designed to work with most site setups. However, there are
a few scenarios that require small updates to the tracking code on each of your pages. If any of
the following apply to you, go to the Analytics Help Center (see page 43) and follow the instructions
to update your code before adding it to your pages:

• If you need to track multiple domains (like a homepage and a secure store site)

• If you need to track more than one subdirectory (or sites that are within your site linked to the
The Analytics Help Center tells you how to set up your site for these situations.

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