How To Check If Your Site Is Eligible For Matched Content

How to Check if your site is eligible for Matched content | To be eligible for Matched content, your site must first meet our minimum requirements for traffic volume and number of unique pages. You can find out if your site is eligible for Matched content by checking the "My sites" section in your AdSense account.
How to Check if your site is eligible for Matched content  How to Check if your site is eligible for Matched content
How to Check if your site is eligible for Matched content

To check the eligibility of your site:

  1. Sign in to your AdSense account.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Settings.
  3. Click My sites.
  4. Under "My sites", click Matched content.
If you don't see Matched content under "My sites" then you're not currently eligible to use Matched content.
5. On the "Matched content" page, check to see if your site is listed:

  • If your site is listed, you may place Matched content units on any of its pages.
  • If your site isn't listed, then it's not currently eligible for Matched content.
 If at least one of your sites is eligible, you'll see the option to create Matched content units under the My ads tab in your account. Learn how to create a Matched content unit.

We regularly check the eligibility of sites. If your site isn't eligible yet, feel free to check back later when you have more traffic and/or unique pages.

If your site is a subdomain

Note that for subdomains (e.g.,, etc.), the recommendations we generate are across the entire top-level domain. For example, if you place Matched content units on your eligible subdomain, your Matched content units will include recommendations for all of the exampleblog.comsubdomains.

If you own multiple sites

If you're a publisher with multiple sites, you might find that only some of your sites are eligible for Matched content. In this case, we ask that you only place Matched content units on your eligible sites. If you place Matched content units on ineligible sites, then we won't be able to populate the units with recommendations.

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