Make Money Online | Blogging / Authority Sites

Description – You write content and “blog” about a chosen subject or niche and over time get a following of targeted visitor traffic and earn via your blog or website
 about a chosen subject or niche and over time get a following of targeted visitor traffic MAKE MONEY ONLINE | Blogging / Authority sites
MAKE MONEY ONLINE | Blogging / Authority sites

It is a bit naughty to title this section like this as the blogs online are all just websites really these days (IE every blog is a website and every website should be a blog – a content managed system website like Wordpress)

Plus the definition for “authority” websites is a little blurred; it really just means a website with more than about 30 pages, which cover a lot of site.

But it is also more than that, so let me explain.

If you chose a niche that was your passion and it was researched to prove that there are interested buyers in that niche then your blog (website) will almost certainly be a success if you follow some very basic rules.

Then the more you blog (add content) the more your site will become an authority site.

As long as you do not do anything to irritate Google your blog (business) will grow at a very fast rate and could make you very wealthy.

What are those rules and steps needed to keep Google happy?

And how do you build it, research it etc?

I will add a list of courses at the end of this report for you to go and look at – or you could YouTube train (very reckless) and save money.

How do you monetize this type of business?

So many ways you would be shocked. It is almost true to say “write it and they will come”

But the monetisation is so varied from niche to niche that you would need to do a bit of research into that – or hire me to do it for you.

You could do affiliate stuff, Google adsence, your own product or reports etc.

Do you need a website?

Ha-ha, Funny. NEVER use the free websites for this business model.

And yes you will need hosting, domains and will need to use a decent CMS publishing system like Wordpress. All the good quality stuff will be found in the links at the bottom All covered in extreme detail in many of the courses I can send you to. Starting from as low as $9

Do you need any skills at all?

Actually if you have chosen a niche that you love then you will know everything about the subject and never have a problem. If you chose a popular (money) niche like weight loss, forex, haemorrhoids etc – you might need to do research, but nothing you cannot cope with.

Do you need complicated skills?

Nope, unless your chosen niche is a complicated subject, like Nuclear physics 

Do you need to spend money?

Not really – Unless you choose to pay for you traffic and not do SEO organic development. Both are good options. Need to know more? Ask me.

Do you need to have detailed knowledge of that subject?

See skills above. Really the hardest part is subject knowledge and the site building (which you could contract out)

How much income potential does this niche/method have?

If you choose a big traffic niche that is full of buyers seeking solutions you could be richer than you can imagine.

How fast would I likely start to earn money?

This is perhaps the one section where your earnings will be the most varied.

Your choice of niche will drastically affect your income, but having said that you could start to see income from organic search results as fast as the second month.

Obviously if you paid people to build you the sales funnel part of your business, then paid people to build your website and do your research etc, then you bought traffic to your website – you could start to earn a lot of money within a few weeks.

This is a perfect example of your time VS money – meaning that you could spend money to make money faster, or you could spend time learning and applying those skills and will earn as long as you keep on adding correct content and doing linking etc.

THIS IS ONE THAT IS BENEFITTING FROM SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. Thousands of new blogs or authority websites are earning massive incomes from doing decent social media marketing on places like Instagram and Pinterest and Facebook.

Would I need one or many websites?

Definitely one, but after that would depend upon you as you could repeat a smaller business model (see my links at the end of this report for a perfect method to use with this income type)

So, you could do just one website and over time it will be a massive authority site, with a membership section and a lembaga etc, or you could do many smaller niche sites.

Both work very well.

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