Make Money Online | Writing Books/Ebooks Fiction And Non Fiction

Description – You write fiction and nonfiction eBooks and books that will be marketed online by other websites like Amazon.
 You write fiction and nonfiction eBooks and books that will be marketed online by other w MAKE MONEY ONLINE | Writing books/eBooks Fiction and Non fiction
Writing books/eBooks Fiction and Non fiction

This group or section overlaps with the courses and own products described in section 6 below.

This is perhaps the best option for making money online or offline in the world these days.

Write a decent book or five – publish it on Amazon in both eBook form and as a hardcover and soft cover and do the marketing correctly and you could literally retire within a year.

This is no lie.

While there are thousands of eBooks added to Amazon everyday and a massive amount of those are failing completely, there are some easy to follow basic things that you could do to be one of the winners and not a loser in this genre.

Both fiction and nonfiction authors are making very good full time livings from simply writing books and adding them to the right places online.

Five books would be better to start with than one, and 20 would be even better, but the potential here is so big I will not even be able to start to explain it properly to you in this short description here.

If you think you can write – now it the best time EVER to begin.

Do you need a website?

Not really, but having one would help your marketing. Both free and self hosted sites will work

Do you need any skills at all?

Duh! Some writing skills would help. But there are many bad writers who are not put off by not having those skills (see 50 Shades of Grey)

Do you need complicated skills?

It would not hurt to know how to do character development and stuff like that.
If you are not sure, do how-to-books in the beginning, then you just have to have decent content.

Do you need to spend money?

Not really, you can get away without spending a cent easily. But equally if you promoted a bit with some money it would hurt

Do you need to have detailed knowledge of that subject?

You do need to know the steps to go through and the sequence proven by previous writers who have written reports etc for you to follow.

Hitting the bestsellers lists is not just a fluke and you do need to promote your book in a certain step by step plan to get that initial attention that will get you sales which will keep you on the bestsellers lists.

I do know of some great courses. Contact me for the most up to date courses.

How much income potential does this niche/method have?

Unlimited income

You could write and publish 5 books and never make a cent, or you could publish one book and retire forever. There is a definite need to do your research properly into the niche you plan to write in – but that can be made safer (risk wise) by following a set script/plan.

I have heard of school kids who are earning $2500 a month from three books.

How fast would I likely start to earn money?

Expect to work hard and write for long hours, but you will only see real money after about 60 days from first publishing. Not only that sometimes your book will not “feature” until you have 10 or 15 published, but after that you will more than likely be 100% fine (full time income) if you did it right.

I have been dreaming about writing eBooks for publication on Kindle for years and while I do write reports – like this one – I wish I had the available time to just sit down and write 20 story books.

It is definitely planned for in my own personal near future.

Would I need one or many websites?

None or one at the most

Having a personal website when you are an established author is a must, and if you do not start it in the beginning, some bonehead will buy your names domain and then charge you a lot of money to get it back.

Do yourself a big favour and at the very least buy your personal names domain.

You can always install the actual site once you are published.

Please do not judge that site as the only fun part of the whole site is the “about me” section, the rest really needs work.

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